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K2 Beef

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K2 Beef is Certified Organic & entirely grass-fed free-range premium beef from Angus-Cross cattle grazed ethically using low stress, regenerative animal & land management systems in the Mary Valley, Qld. Australia.

K2 Organic Beef is not only ethical, regenerative and Certified Organic, it is EXTREMELY low food miles and it is Pasture Raised (some call Grassfed). K2 is referred to as the “missing link” vitamin and has very few sources in modern diets. Animal fats and organs is one source of Vitamin K2 however once grain is added to the diet (as is common in many production systems), the K2 is lost.

Using regenerative farming practices to mirror natures patterns and create a stress-free environment for our cattle, no; soy, grain, hormones, antibiotics, synthetic fertiliser or any type of chemical is used in our farming system.

Did you know?

  • K2 is also a vitamin, described as “the missing link” vitamin.
  • It is only present in 100% Grass-Fed animal products hence very difficult to get in modern diets where food production systems rely on grain finishing. (Ref: Rheaume-Bleue Kate 2013 – Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life. 1st ed. Ontario, Canada; Wiley: 2011.)
  • Otherwise called “Activator X” K2 is the critical ingredient that makes well-proportioned faces and good teeth (Weston A Price)
  • Vitamin K2 not only protects bone but it has been found to reduce the incidence of both heart disease and cancer”(Dr Mercola)


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