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The Benefits of Organic Juicing & Naturally Sourced Vitamin C

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Juicing is a convenient and efficient way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into our diets. Juicing extracts the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & nutrients, leaving most, if not all, of the fibre behind. In theory, therefore, we can load up on nutrition without filling up on fibre. We still need fibre, but there may be times, or even just meals, when the nutrients are more important, such as during a health crisis or when we are trying to achieve certain health goals. Vitamin C is one of many very important vitamins we can enrich our bodies with when juicing, & by choosing fresh Certified Organic & Biodynamic fruits and vegetables, we can ensure we not only get plenty of these nutrients, but also avoid drinking concentrations of synthetic chemical toxins. At Wray organic Online we’ve chosen the best Certified Organic produce just picked from the farmer and delivered straight to your door, seven days a week.

Let’s start by looking in more detail at some of the benefits of juicing.

  1. Increased Nutrient Intake: Juicing allows you to consume a larger quantity of fruits and vegetables in a condensed form. By juicing, you can extract the liquid and nutrients from a variety of produce, providing your body with a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It offers an easy and efficient way to boost your nutrient intake and support overall health.


  1. Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: Juicing breaks down the cellular walls of fruits and vegetables, making their nutrients more easily digestible and absorbable in the gut. The juicing process eliminates most, if not all, of the fibre, which can be beneficial for individuals with sensitive digestive systems or those who struggle with digesting fibre-rich foods. This allows the body to efficiently absorb the nutrients and derive maximum benefits from the fruits and vegetables.


  1. Increased Hydration: Many fruits and vegetables have high water content, and juicing them can contribute to your daily hydration needs. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy bodily functions, supporting skin health, regulating body temperature, and promoting overall well-being. Juicing can be a refreshing way to increase your water intake while enjoying the delicious & varied flavours of different fruits and vegetables.


  1. Antioxidant and Detoxification Support: Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful molecules, reducing inflammation and supporting cellular health. Juicing can provide a concentrated dose of antioxidants to the body, which may help support the body's natural detoxification processes and therefore promote overall wellness.


  1. Weight Management and Increased Fibre Intake: While juicing removes the fibre content from fruits and vegetables, some juicers allow for the inclusion of pulp or fibre-rich ingredients. Including fibre in your juice may aid in digestion for some individuals, promote feelings of fullness, and support healthy weight management. Adding fibre-rich vegetables like kale, spinach, or celery to your juices can help you achieve a balanced nutrient profile and increase your overall fibre intake.


  1. Convenient Way to Consume a Variety of Produce: Juicing offers a convenient and accessible way to incorporate a wide range of fruits and vegetables into your diet. It can be an important option for individuals who have difficulty consuming whole fruits and vegetables, who prefer the taste and texture of juice and liquids or who are going through a health crisis. Also Juicing allows you to experiment with different flavour & colour combinations and easily customize your juice recipes according to your taste preferences. At Wray Organic Online we offer a range of ten different Fruit & Veg Set Boxes for added convenience, at just the click of a button.


  1. Potential Energy Boost: The high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutrients in fresh juices can provide a natural energy boost. Nutrient-dense juices can support optimal bodily functions and may help combat feelings of fatigue or sluggishness. A morning juice may help get your day started, or an afternoon juice may give you that pep-up you need to get you through to the end of the day.


It is important to note here that while juicing offers many potential benefits, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, quality proteins and healthy fats. Juicing should complement a well-rounded diet rather than replace it entirely, unless advised by your healthcare professional.

One of the great benefits of juicing is the instant & plentiful supply to the body of naturally sourced Vitamin C. Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is an essential nutrient, meaning it must be obtained through the diet since the human body cannot synthesize it. With winter being a season associated with increased susceptibility to illnesses, ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin C becomes even more important. While synthetic sources of Vitamin C are available in the form of supplements, natural food sources offer numerous benefits over their synthetic cousins. Let’s look at the benefits of including Vitamin C in the diet, particularly during winter, and highlight the advantages of obtaining it from natural food sources.

  1. Enhanced Immune Function: Vitamin C is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. It stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are important components of the immune system that help protect against infections and diseases. During winter, when cold and flu viruses are prevalent, bolstering the immune system through vitamin C intake can be highly beneficial. Natural food sources, such as citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, melons, stone fruits, and red & green vegetables offer a broad spectrum of nutrients and phytochemicals that work synergistically to support immune function. These foods also provide dietary fibre, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that contribute to overall health, further enhancing the immune system's response.


  1. Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting the body against the harmful effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and disease development. Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Natural food sources of Vitamin C contain a diverse range of antioxidants and bioactive compounds that provide superior protection compared to isolated synthetic forms. These natural sources offer a complex blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and nutrients which work together synergistically to enhance the antioxidant effect of Vitamin C and provide added health benefits that synthetic forms cannot achieve.


  1. Collagen Synthesis and Tissue Repair: Collagen is a protein crucial for maintaining the integrity and strength of connective tissues, including the skin, blood vessels, bones, and tendons. Vitamin C plays a vital role in collagen synthesis, facilitating wound healing, tissue repair, and maintaining healthy skin. Natural food sources of vitamin C offer an holistic combination of nutrients, such as bioflavonoids and trace minerals, that support collagen production and optimize tissue repair processes. These natural sources also provide other nutrients like vitamin E, which further aids in skin health and regeneration of the cells.


  1. Improved Iron Absorption: Vitamin C enhances the absorption of dietary iron, particularly non-heme iron, which is found in plant-based sources. Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen throughout the body. By including natural food sources rich in vitamin C in the diet, individuals can enhance their iron absorption and reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia, a common condition exacerbated during winter due to reduced exposure to sunlight. The combination of vitamin C and iron-rich foods can optimize iron absorption and contribute to maintaining healthy red blood cells and energy levels.


  1. Cardiovascular Health: Medical research has shown that Vitamin C intake has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps maintain the health of blood vessels by promoting the synthesis of collagen, which provides structural integrity. Additionally, Vitamin C has been linked to lower blood pressure levels, reduced oxidative stress, and improved endothelial function. Natural food sources offer a wider array of heart-healthy nutrients, such as fibre and potassium that complement the benefits of Vitamin C in supporting cardiovascular health. The combination of these nutrients and phytochemicals in natural food sources may have synergistic effects on reducing the risk of heart disease.


Wray Organic Online offer 20 common fruit varieties that are known for their high Vitamin C content: Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Grape, Plum, Kiwifruit, Passionfruit, Pineapple, Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Paw Paw, Lychee, Watermelon, Rockmelon, Honey Dew Melon, Mango & Cherry

Here are 20 common vegetables that are known for their high Vitamin C content and readily available at Wray Organic Online: Carrot, Celery, Beetroot, Capsicum, Tomato, Kale, Asian Greens, Lettuce, Spinach, Silverbeet, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Pea, Parsley, Asparagus, Snow Pea, Green Bean, Zucchini & Sweet Potato.

These fruits & vegetables offer a range of other health benefits in addition to their Vitamin C content. Remember that cooking methods and freshness can affect the Vitamin C levels, so it's best to consume them as fresh as possible and, when appropriate, juicing rather than cooking to retain maximum nutrient content.

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When it comes to juicing, using Certified Organic & Biodynamic fresh produce can offer several potential benefits over non-organic produce. Let’s look at some of the advantages.


  1. Reduced Exposure to Pesticides: Certified Organic & Biodynamic produce is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). By choosing organic options, you can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful synthetic chemical residues that may be present in non-organic produce & avoid potentially drinking a glass of concentrated synthetic chemicals. Juicing organic fruits and vegetables allows you to enjoy the benefits of clean, fresh produce.


  1. Higher Nutrient Content: Organic & Biodynamic farming practices prioritize soil health, which can result in produce with higher nutrient content. Studies have suggested that organic fruits and vegetables may have higher levels of certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and antioxidants. Juicing organic produce can help you maximize your intake of these beneficial nutrients and potentially enhance the nutritional value of your juice. In other words you get more bang for your buck.


  1. Support for Sustainable Agriculture: Organic farming practices aim to promote environmental sustainability by emphasizing soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity. By choosing organic produce, you support farmers and agricultural practices that prioritize environmental stewardship. This choice contributes to the preservation of ecosystems, reduces pollution, and promotes sustainable food production systems for future generations.


  1. More Flavour and Taste: Organic fruits and vegetables have a more robust, sweet and natural flavour compared to their conventionally grown counterparts which sometimes become bitter due to the chemicals they are grown with or tasteless due to the excessive water pumped into them. Juicing organic produce can result in juices that are fresher, more vibrant, and often more enjoyable in taste. The absence of synthetic chemical residues can allow the true flavours of the fruits and vegetables to shine through.


  1. Avoidance of GMOs: Certified Organic & Biodynamic standards prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are plants that have been genetically engineered to possess specific traits. By choosing organic produce, you can avoid potential exposure to genetically modified ingredients, which some of us prefer to avoid due to our personal beliefs or our concerns about the long-term health effects of their consumption.


So we have looked at the benefits of integrating juicing into the diet, the advantages of choosing Certified Organic & Biodynamic produce, and following on from that, the essential role that natural sources of Vitamin C intake play in maintaining good health and well-being, especially during the winter months. While synthetic sources of Vitamin C are available, natural food sources provide a range of advantages due to their synergistic combination of nutrients and bioactive compounds. Juicing Organic & Biodynamic fruits & vegetables, can increase your daily intake of naturally sourced Vitamin C, enhancing immune function, antioxidant protection, support collagen synthesis, improve iron absorption, and promote cardiovascular health. Make sure to include a wide variety of these natural Vitamin C sources in your diet & daily juice, with different colours & flavours, to reap the maximum health benefits & terrific flavours on offer. It’ll keep a smile on your dial for sure J

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