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Get Summer Ready - Top 10 Tips to Embrace the Season

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Get Summer Ready - Top 10 Tips to Embrace the Season

As the sun starts to shine brighter and our days grow longer, it's time to get summer-ready and fully embrace the season. So let’s delve into the top ten tips that will help you make the most of these sun-kissed months. From embracing the vitality of juicing to savoring the bountiful seasonal produce through healthy eating, and from staying well-hydrated to revitalizing your skin and pampering your hair and nails, this summer guide has you covered from head to toe. We'll also explore how to freshen up your wardrobe, enhance your outdoor dining ambiance, and keep your body active and energized. In addition, we'll discuss the importance of planning a well-deserved getaway and organizing delightful picnics and BBQs with your friends and loved ones. Summer is a time of renewal, relaxation, and making lasting memories, and with these ten tips, you'll be well-prepared to make the most of this vibrant season.

  1. Embrace Juicing. Summer is the perfect time to kickstart your day with a fresh juice. Juicing extracts the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & nutrients, leaving most, if not all, of the fiber behind. We still need fiber, but incorporating a daily juice can be a great nutrient injector to boost our energy levels, cleanse the gut and rejuvenate your skin after winter, giving you that healthy summer glow. At Wray Organic Online we’ve carefully selected the best Certified Organic fruits and vegetables delivered to your door, ensuring you have access to farm fresh ingredients for your daily juice.
  2. Healthy Eating. Enjoy the abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables at this time of the year. Clean out the fridge, ditch any high-sugar, low-nutrient foods, and restock with healthy, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, wraps, nori and seaweed, sauerkraut, good quality dairy, fats and proteins. Refresh your salad recipe repertoire and create some new go-to summer salads. Organic fresh berries, mangoes and hydrating summer fruits like water melon are so good for summer snacking with your favourite nuts and seeds.
  3. Stay Hydrated. The summer heat can lead to dehydration quickly, so drink plenty of clean filtered water throughout the day. Coconut water and herbal teas are also excellent alternatives to keep you refreshed. Ditch the soft drinks and artificial sugars and cut down on the caffeine. Take your reusable water bottle with you wherever you go and have back up bottles in the fridge on hand. Hydrating foods like watermelon, rockmelon and honeydew melons are great choices.
  4. Skin boost. After winter your skin may feel dull and lifeless. Try to spend at least 20 minutes per day in early morning or late afternoon sun to get your vitamin D boost on the fattiest parts of your body and freshen up your colour. Do a full body salt scrub and a hydrating face mask. Don’t clog up the skin with supermarket creams full of synthetics. Instead try a natural oil like coconut or almond, or invest in a good quality organic moisturizer.
  5. Hair and nail care. Giving your hair and nails a little TLC can be wonderfully rewarding. A hair mask can put nourishment back into dry locks and add a healthy shine. Treat yourself to a haircut too and get rid of any dull split ends. Some may opt for a shorter, lighter style for summer that’s wash and go or a new style may be just the ticket – a change is as good as a holiday after all. A manicure for your hands and feet feels great, getting rid of any dead or dry skin and nail from winter. Whether you go out and get it done in a salon or do it yourself, it’s sure to put a spring in your step. Team this up with a fresh new pair of good quality breathable walking sandals with arch support and your feet will thank you.
  6. Freshen up your Wardrobe & Bedding : It’s time to swap out your winter wardrobe and bedding for lightweight, breathable summer fabrics. Before storing your winter woolies, blankets and duvets away, use a wool wash with eucalyptus and then dry them thoroughly in the sun to keep them fresh and moth free. Opt for lighter colors for your wardrobe over summer to reflect sunlight and keep you cool. Grabbing a new fresh white or light coloured shirt or two can be a simple start. Try the Op shops too, as you can sometimes find real bargains. Air out your pillows in the sun on the clothes line for a few days, or consider grabbing some new ones if they are stained or need replacing. Fresh breathable cotton or bamboo sheets are best for summer nights, with a light cotton blanket.
  7. Prepare your outdoors. Give your BBQ a good scrub and get your outdoor eating area ready for fresh air dining. If you don’t have an outdoor option at home, even if it’s your table and chair by the window, spend some time sprucing the area up. Try some fresh plants, flowers, maybe some new cushions, give the furniture a lick of paint, some alfresco lighting, fresh pots of your favourite herbs on hand or whatever makes you want to spend more time in that space and get ready to embrace the longer days. Spending some time in the garden is good exercise too and can be very rewarding.
  8. Set your activity goals. Commit to taking a walk, run or jog every day, even it’s only around the block. Take advantage of the pleasant weather to engage in as many outdoor activities as you can fit in. Whether it's hiking, swimming, outdoor yoga or simply going for a walk, staying active will help you enjoy the season and is so good for your mental well-being. If you have a pet, they will love it too.
  9. Plan a getaway: Summer is the perfect time for a getaway. Whether it's a holiday somewhere you’ve been meaning to go and explore, a road trip, a flight to somewhere on your bucket list, a staycation, or a day at the beach or walking through the forest, just plan some time to relax and rejuvenate. You deserve it.
  10. Picnics and BBQ’s. Organize some catch ups with friends and family and put some dates in the diary to look forward to. Picnics and BBQ’s are a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors and savor delicious food with those you love spending time with. Call a friend or relative you haven’t seen in a while, or reach out to someone you met recently and have been meaning to call. Make a date with your pet and share a picnic, even if it’s in your own back yard. The outdoors is a great place to relax together, share some food and a good laugh.

Lastly, always be mindful of the sun's intensity, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m in Australia. When outdoors, seek shade, wear protective clothing, and avoid prolonged sun exposure. Have insect repellent on hand and consider adding screens or nets to your outdoor areas to keep bugs at bay.

Summer is a great time to relax, have fun, and make cherished memories in our great outdoors. With our top ten tips you’ll be ready and organized. Embrace the season and make the most of the warm weather, Vitamin D, fresh air, parks, beaches and waterways, and those longer summer days.


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The rise of wild blueberries: 5 reasons to indulge

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The Rise of Wild Blueberries: 5 Reasons to Indulge

In the world of superfoods and nutritional powerhouses, wild blueberries have swiftly risen to prominence in recent years, captivating health enthusiasts and culinary aficionados alike. Just a few decades ago, these tiny gems were rarely the point of discussion, overshadowed by their larger conventional counterparts. However, recent years have witnessed an unprecedented surge in their popularity, and for good reason. Let us delve into our fascination with wild blueberries, outlining five compelling reasons to include them in your diet, while shedding light on the organic wild blueberries' edge over their conventionally grown counterparts.

1. Nutritional Powerhouses

Wild blueberries pack a punch of nutrients that belies their small size. These tiny round blue wonders are rich in vitamins C and K, as well as antioxidants like anthocyanins, which give them their distinctive deep blue colour. Wild blueberries have the highest antioxidant capacity per serving, compared with more than 20 other fruits. Using a lab testing procedure called Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), USDA researcher Ronald Prior, Ph.D., found that a one-cup serving of wild blueberries had significantly more total antioxidant capacity (TAC) than a serving of cranberries, strawberries, plums, raspberries and even cultivated blueberries. Antioxidants play a vital role in neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body, contributing to the prevention of chronic diseases and the aging process.

2. Potential Health Benefits

The consumption of wild blueberries has been linked to a range of potential health benefits. Studies suggest that their antioxidants and bioactive compounds might aid in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improving cognitive function, and supporting immune health. The popular Anthony William, author of The Medical Medium, is a passionate advocate of the consumption of the Wild Blueberry for optimal health. Furthermore, their low glycaemic index and fibre content may contribute to better blood sugar regulation, aiding diabetes, and digestive health.

3. Enhanced Flavour and Texture

One notable aspect setting wild blueberries apart is their intense, robust flavour. Unlike their cultivated relatives, wild blueberries boast a more concentrated taste that bursts with a natural sweetness, often described as a delightful blend of tart and sweet combined. Their smaller size, potent colour & chewy texture has also lead unique culinary creations, making them a favoured ingredient in everything from smoothies to baked goods.

4. Culinary Versatility

The culinary world has warmly embraced wild blueberries for their versatility. From adorning breakfast bowls to starring in delectable desserts, these berries add a burst of colour, flavour, and nutrition to an array of dishes. Wild blueberries’ great flavour profile for both cold and warm savoury salads is just one example. Their adaptability in both sweet and savoury recipes has contributed to their surge in popularity, inviting culinary exploration and innovation.

5. Organic Wild Blueberries vs. Conventional Blueberries

The organic label elevates wild blueberries even further. Typically grown in Canada, certified organic wild blueberries are cultivated without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This results in a cleaner product that not only benefits human health but also promotes ecological sustainability. Organic farming practices prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and long-term environmental balance, making organic wild blueberries a conscientious choice for both personal well-being and our planet. At Wray Organic Online we proudly offer Elgin Organic Wild Blueberries in frozen satchels, direct from Canada & certified organic by ACO Australia.


The Hype Unveiled…

The hype surrounding wild blueberries stems from a culmination of factors that has collectively kindled their popular cult status. One factor is the growing awareness of the health benefits associated with these berries, especially versus their more common cousins with a lower nutritional content. As modern society becomes increasingly health-conscious, individuals seek nutrient-dense foods that can bolster their well-being. Everyone wants a quick fix. Wild blueberries, with their impressive nutritional profile, have found themselves in the spotlight as a natural and delicious means to achieve this goal. Everyone loves a good smoothie, right?!

Moreover, the shift towards embracing natural and organic foods has propelled the popularity of wild blueberries. As consumers prioritize transparency in their food choices, the allure of organic wild blueberries, free from synthetic chemicals, has captured their attention. They are not only nutritious & delicious, but in convenient & handy freezer packs. This cult product is now found in many other convenient forms such as dehydrated berries, powders, capsules, tablets & elixirs.

The digital age has played a monumental role in popularizing wild blueberries as well. Social media platforms, food blogs, and cooking shows have provided a global stage for showcasing these berries' appeal. Mouth-watering photographs, tantalizing recipes, and personal testimonies have ignited a virtual wildfire of enthusiasm, disseminating the wonder of wild blueberries to audiences worldwide.

In essence, the rise of wild blueberries from obscurity to cult popularity can be attributed to their exceptional nutrient content, distinctive flavour, numerous health benefits, organic superiority, and culinary adaptability. This nutritional dynamo seems to have resonated with the health-conscious, environmentally aware, and culinary explorers, propelling them from a relative unknown to a highly sought-after gem in the food world. As the hype continues to grow, it's evident that wild blueberries have secured their place as a nutritional powerhouse with enduring appeal.

Get your dose of Organic Wild Blueberry goodness here at Wray Organic Online in our freezer section – enjoy!


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What type of honey should I buy? Why Raw Honey makes all the difference.

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How often do you consider how the honey we buy in our local grocery store is made? You might think that it’s a simple process - Bees go off to collect nectar, they bring it home, and start making delicious honey for a beekeeper to carefully collect, package, and sell to you. Unfortunately, this isn’t the full story.

The majority of store bought honey is heated, watered down, refined, and packed with additives. All this happens before you see the jar of honey on the shelf, and it’s the hidden cost of modern day, big brand, low cost honey.

So now that you know some of the unpleasant truths, how does this affect you? What are we really trading in when we buy cheap, overly processed honey? Let’s explore some of the real differences between pure raw honey and commercial processed honey.


What is raw honey?


We describe honey as ‘raw’ when it has not been pasteurized and processed – basically just straight from the hives. Honey has probably been consumed since the beginning of man’s earthly existence. Humanity has cultivated honey now for thousands of years & until recent generations, honey was pure, raw and unprocessed.


Extracting raw honey nowadays involves a few simple steps. To calm the bees, beekeepers light pine needles, twigs or burlap in a metal hand-held ‘smoker’ & allow a few puffs of smoke to settle over the hives. It is then safe to remove the honeycomb frames from beehives. Next, they use a knife to uncap the wax sealing the cells. The uncapped frames are then placed in a honey extractor, which uses natural centrifugal force to gently spin the honey out of the comb. The honey flows to the bottom of the extractor and is collected in a container. Afterwards, the honey is allowed to settle and naturally separate from any remaining wax, debris or impurities. The honey is all cold extracted without using any heat. Lastly, it is poured into jars, preserving all of its natural enzymes, nutrients, and of course flavour, resulting in delicious raw honey.


Raw honey has a thicker, cloudier and generally creamier appearance, and may even contain bits of bee pollen, wax or honeycomb. Raw honey will naturally crystallize over time and is the world’s oldest living food. It is naturally vitamin, mineral & antioxidant rich, containing valuable enzymes & natural probiotics for gut health and wellbeing.


Certified organic raw honey is this same process but with stringent checks and controls. The bees must not roam into areas where pesticides & other chemicals have been used. No chemicals at all can be used in the housing, production, extraction or bottling of the raw honey. This ensures that the bees are kept safe & healthy to produce honey of the highest & purest quality.


What happens with commercial processed honey?


Sadly, honey processing on an industrial scale has allowed corporate entities to take control of almost the entire ecosystem. Flowers, bees, and hives are grown in controlled environments, often using pesticides & chemicals, as well as playing tricks on the bees, to maximise efficiencies & output at the expense of the health of the bees & the quality of the product. Like other factory-farmed animals, honeybees are victims of unnatural living conditions, genetic manipulation, and stressful transportation.


But it doesn’t stop there. Once harvested, a process of pasteurization begins. To allow for faster pouring and picture perfect clarity, the honey is pasteurized by heating it over an extended period of time. By performing such intensive heat treatment, all the yeast cells, plus a bunch of important enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and helpful compounds, are all destroyed.


Finally, the remaining product is filtered and can be watered down and/or mixed with any number of additives. Cheap and nasty High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), glucose syrup & other sugar syrups made from rice, wheat or sugar beet are frequently found to have been added to honey as extenders.


To highlight the extent of the problem, a recent EU Fraud Investigation found that all the UK honey tested failed its authenticity test! In fact nearly half of the honey imported into the European Union is suspected of being fake, according to the EU probe & Australia could very well be facing the same issue. Here is an extract from the March 2023 article;

“The research, spearheaded by the European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), revealed the massive fraud and that many may be buying counterfeit honey labelled as authentic. According to European Commission investigations, 320 samples were tested and 147 (46%) of collected samples of honey imports are suspected of being adulterated with syrups and therefore in non-compliance with the requirements of the EU Honey Directive. The honey is suspected to have been cut with sugar syrups made from rice, wheat or sugar beet." Read more here.


Surely this form of honey is far from that which nature intended, with almost all of its natural goodness stripped away through pasteurization & extenders. The intense refinement and pasteurisation processes that processed honey endures, destroys the vast majority of flavonoids, antioxidants, and enzymes that boost wellbeing. The end result is there is little separating this honey from something entirely artificial.


So what are the benefits in investing in good quality, preferably organic, raw natural honey?


Firstly, it contains antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which help neutralize free radicals, reducing cell damage and supporting overall immune function. The presence of enzymes, vitamins (B-complex, C, D, and E), and essential minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, potassium) further enhances its nutritional value. Raw honey can contain more than four times the antioxidants of comparable processed honey variants. These antioxidants boost the immune system and keep your cardiovascular system in good health.

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of raw organic honey make it an effective natural remedy for wound healing and topical applications, preventing infections and promoting tissue regeneration. It can also alleviate sore throats and coughs, acting as a natural cough suppressant and soothing irritated mucous membranes. Glucose oxidase, for example, is an enzyme that when combined with water produces hydrogen peroxide, which has strong antibacterial properties. However, this is one such enzyme that is destroyed by the high temperatures of the pasteurisation process; and hence, is only found in raw honey.


Honey's unique blend of natural sugars (fructose and glucose) provides a quick source of energy, making it a natural alternative to processed sugars for a sudden or much needed energy boost. Additionally, its moderate glycaemic index helps maintain steady blood sugar levels.


Raw organic honey acts as a prebiotic, nourishing the beneficial bacteria in the gut, thereby supporting digestive health and improving overall gastrointestinal function. Raw honey has been used as a natural digestive aid for centuries, thanks to the digestion-facilitating enzymes it possesses.


Furthermore, honey's natural anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to reduce inflammation in various body tissues, providing potential benefits for conditions such as arthritis and allergies. It has also been suggested that consuming local raw organic honey may help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms by exposing the body to small amounts of local pollen, acting as a form of immunotherapy.


Wray Organic Online proudly supports our local raw honey producer - B Brothers Honey. Not only can we guarantee that this honey is raw, unpasteurized, pesticide and chemical free, but that it also has the most full and delicious taste, all produced with organic practices by a local father & son team.


As is the case with Manuka honey, the species and health of the flowers from which honey is produced strongly impacts its taste. B Brothers 500g & 1kg Raw Honey, & range of Manuka honey, simply has a stronger, more delicious umami flavour than other honeys, and in our opinion is the result of the best of beekeeping practices & a commitment to sustainability & quality.

All of B Brothers Honey’s products are made from pure raw honey, working with bees from the Gold Coast Hinterland to Byron Bay. Zero pesticides or chemicals are used in the hives or on their flowers. Using natural cold extraction methods, the honey is full of flavour and pro-wellbeing goodness – just the way nature intended. Good for you. Good for the bees. Good for our planet.


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Organic meal planning on a budget – Top Tips

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organic meal planning on a budget: top tips.

Eating organic food can be a great way to improve your health and reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals. Decades of research consistently shows that certified organic produce is not only better for us but better for our planet. However, it can also be more costly than commercial produce in some cases and this can be difficult on a budget. Many of us are trying to feed our families on a budget, but not wanting to compromise on healthy nutritious food choices. Supermarkets can be fraught with trappings to break the budget, so here we discuss the benefits of shopping online, farm direct and home fresh delivery to your door. Specials & bulk buys are also important, as well as the benefits of meal planning & cooking meals from scratch where possible. Here are our top 6 tips for organic meal planning on a budget.

Plan your meals: Plan your meals for your working week in advance, so that you shop for only the ingredients you need and avoid wasting food. Start with a weekly meal planner on the fridge. I love the compact A5 size magnet style from Kaisercraft. It has a Monday to Sunday template with lunch and dinner columns, plus a grocery list column & a spot for ‘next week’s suggestions’. This little meal planner has 52 pages, is only a couple of dollars & will last you the whole year! The advantage of a pad style meal planner is that the sheets are detachable, so you can take your list with you if you are going out. If you are shopping online, just grab the pad from the fridge while you pop your online order in the system, & then it just goes back on the fridge for the whole family to reference during the week. Similar styles can be purchased online or from your favourite stationary store.

Make the first few weeks easy for yourself by listing yours or your family’s favourite budget meals. This will make the grocery list less challenging as you will be familiar with what ingredients you will need & possibly have quite a few in the fridge or cupboard to start with. Make sure everyone has a favourite meal up there on the list, so you get the whole family involved & participating. Choose a wide variety of meals which use different proteins, vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts & legumes.

Cook from scratch: Cook your meals from scratch rather than buying pre-packaged foods, which are often a lot more expensive and may lack substance and nutrition. When we haven’t done any meal planning and it’s been a long day – we’ve all been there on a regular basis I’m sure! – it’s tempting to load up on pre-made meals such as oven-ready Pizza or deep-fryer meals from the freezer section. While it’s a quick & easy solution sometimes, try to find easy meals that you have staples for at home already and can be made from scratch in minutes. Homemade pizza, for example, is so much healthier and you only have to read the side of the ready-made packet to confirm that fact. Making it at home you are going to avoid a whole lot of synthetic ingredients cleverly disguised as food, excess sugar, bad fats & ingredients lacking in nutritional value. Experimenting with a simple dough recipe can be fun, or try storing organic bases in your freezer. Toppings can be roasted vegies or leftover vegies & meats from the previous night. Topped with cheese or cashew cheese it can be ready in less than 10 minutes. Other meals in minutes, are vegie soups like pumpkin or cauliflower. If you have a Thermomix, Magimix or something similar, it’s all done in the one pot while you have a shower & get the kids ready for dinner. No tinned or packet soup will ever taste as good as one that’s just freshly made from scratch, served with some crusty bread or croutons.

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Buy in bulk: Look out for organic foods in bigger quantity bulk buys which can sometimes save you money. Some items such as flour, rice, beans, legumes, seeds and nuts which can be stored for lengthy periods of time, can be purchased in bulk quantities and save you money in the long run. Be sure to store these bulk items in appropriate containers, however, to avoid spoilage. I personally prefer air tight glass containers over plastic to avoid the ‘plastic’ smell getting into the foods. Air tight is also important so the foods do not become oxidated or invaded by creatures such as moths or ants. For those foods which are attractive to moths such as flour & grains, try sticky-taping a dried bay leaf to the back of your food jars.

Certain perishables can also be cheaper in larger quantities sometimes, but still have a decent shelf life. For example if you usually buy a 1kg yoghurt every week, the 2kg tub will often be much better value and last two weeks instead. The same goes for staples like butter and cheese.

Take advantage of specials: Specials are a great way to slowly build your pantry of organic grocery staples & goodies. Most of us don’t have the luxury of buying everything at once, so it makes sense to build up gradually, taking advantage of specials when they come up. Items such as cooking oils, sauces & dressings, tinned foods & baking goods will regularly come up on special and have long best before dates. Organic items on special will often be near cost price and probably around the same price as non-organic (or cheaper), so it’s well worth the investment. Consider buying a few, or box, if they are at a good price and stashing them away. Before you know it, you’ll have a good foundation of organic staples that you can plan your meals around.

Even some organic fruit and vegies on special can be bought in bulk and will store very well in your fridge if you have space, or lucky enough to have a spare fridge. As we discussed earlier, often organics are fresh to market and not cold stored, so may have more potential for a longer life in your fridge. Some organic fruit and vegies that will store well in your fridge for several months are apples, avocado, citrus, kiwi, stone-fruit, beetroot, cabbages or potato. Look out for Wray Organic Online fruit & veg specials & save!

Often you can sign up with your email address for your favourite retailer specials. That way you will be notified when the specials start and can take advantage before they sell out.

Buy in season: Buy organic produce that is in season, as it tends to be much less expensive and more readily available. Seasonal produce is generally more plentiful and therefore more to go around and so the price will tend to be less. For example, in summer, if you are looking for organic pears, they will generally be more expensive as there are a lot fewer varieties available & quantities will be minimal. In winter however, pears are generally plentiful and many different varieties will be available too. This brings the cost down as they will not only be cheaper on average, but there is a much greater chance they will be on special more frequently too, allowing you opportunities to buy in bulk & save. An important note about organic seasonal produce is that it differs greatly from non-organic produce in terms of availability. Certified organic farmers do not cold store their produce for extended periods of time, preferring that the produce is sold fresh and in that season. Non-organic commercial produce however, may spend lengthy periods of time in cold storage, affecting the nutritional quality, taste, texture & overall experience. Watch out for apple varieties in supermarkets cleverly claiming to be “in season” (rather than “new season”), when they could be last years’ produce having spent a year or more in cold storage. Yes, that variety may be “in season” at that time of year, but the actual produce may not be new season fruit that’s just been harvested.

Buying in season is also so much more fun, as it allows us to explore different recipes and recipe adaptations. Even a simple thing like ‘mash’ can be seasonally adapted. Organic potatoes are generally available all year round as Queensland’s harvest may be staggered from that of NSW and Victoria. But adding or substituting seasonal produce to your mash can be so much fun. Use organic parsnip, swede & turnip during winter for a change. The rest of the year, try pumpkins, carrots or sweet potatoes. Wray Organic Online has great recipes in their monthly newsletter and on the website, which always feature seasonal produce with handy tips including seasonal & dietary substitutions.

Shop online with a local organic retailer: I am sure many of us will admit that impulse buys are often the main contributor to the budget blowout. Yes, you have written your list and, yes, you have told yourself that you will stick to the list and not be tempted. But it’s those little extras that seem to slip into our shopping trolley or basket, that can really make the difference between staying on track with your budget, or coming off the rails. Sometimes it’s those special buys, or it’s your children in the chocolate isle, or that tempting product that catches your eye but you just haven’t budgeted for.

Shopping online is a great way to stay on track with your budget. There are much fewer distractions for a start. You can choose a time that suits you and your family when you have a quiet moment. I personally like after dinner, as I find I am not hungry and don’t go looking for treats & sweets. The good thing is you can find a time that suits you best & you don’t have to worry about things that are out of your control like peak hour traffic, finding a car park or waiting in long queues to be served.

Choosing a weekly set box of organic fruit & vegies will make your online shop a lot faster & you know the staples will be covered. After that, it’s just a matter of entering the items on your grocery list into the search bar tool & popping them into your cart. As you shop you will be able to see your cart total which will keep you on track with your budget. Set up a ‘favourites’ list under your profile, for yourself in the online portal to make the process even quicker. All the items you need to buy weekly are already in that list. It’s then just a matter of adding the extras from your grocery list in your weekly planner. When you have decided what day you would like your groceries to arrive, just make sure you have your order in on time before the cut-off so it can be delivered on that day that suits you and your family the best. My family love a Friday delivery as we are usually not working, and then have the weekend to organise our groceries, cook meals & snacks, plan for the week ahead and allows us the chance to grab anything locally that may not have been in the delivery. It may suit you better to have two deliveries per week, but that will depend on the size of your family & your special dietary needs. You’ll soon work out what suits you best whether it be once a week, twice a week or once a fortnight.

As we have discussed in our Top 6 Tips, Organic Meal Planning on a Budget can be achieved with a few simple pointers. Once you have set up your weekly meal planner and your online account with your favourites list, & weekly/fortnightly fruit & veg set box delivered fresh to your home, the rest will fall into place. Sign up for those specials to access great seasonal prices & bulk buys! Have some fun experimenting with a handful of super quick & easy meals to have up your sleeve for when you need them. Try getting family or friends involved too if you can, as keeping to a budget can be an enjoyable challenge to share with others, finding bargains & specials. Most of all, consuming as much clean, organic produce as possible is really rewarding, not only in terms of health but also happiness. You’ve got this!

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The Benefits of Organic Juicing & Naturally Sourced Vitamin C

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Juicing is a convenient and efficient way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into our diets. Juicing extracts the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & nutrients, leaving most, if not all, of the fibre behind. In theory, therefore, we can load up on nutrition without filling up on fibre. We still need fibre, but there may be times, or even just meals, when the nutrients are more important, such as during a health crisis or when we are trying to achieve certain health goals. Vitamin C is one of many very important vitamins we can enrich our bodies with when juicing, & by choosing fresh Certified Organic & Biodynamic fruits and vegetables, we can ensure we not only get plenty of these nutrients, but also avoid drinking concentrations of synthetic chemical toxins. At Wray organic Online we’ve chosen the best Certified Organic produce just picked from the farmer and delivered straight to your door, seven days a week.

Let’s start by looking in more detail at some of the benefits of juicing.

  1. Increased Nutrient Intake: Juicing allows you to consume a larger quantity of fruits and vegetables in a condensed form. By juicing, you can extract the liquid and nutrients from a variety of produce, providing your body with a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It offers an easy and efficient way to boost your nutrient intake and support overall health.


  1. Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: Juicing breaks down the cellular walls of fruits and vegetables, making their nutrients more easily digestible and absorbable in the gut. The juicing process eliminates most, if not all, of the fibre, which can be beneficial for individuals with sensitive digestive systems or those who struggle with digesting fibre-rich foods. This allows the body to efficiently absorb the nutrients and derive maximum benefits from the fruits and vegetables.


  1. Increased Hydration: Many fruits and vegetables have high water content, and juicing them can contribute to your daily hydration needs. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy bodily functions, supporting skin health, regulating body temperature, and promoting overall well-being. Juicing can be a refreshing way to increase your water intake while enjoying the delicious & varied flavours of different fruits and vegetables.


  1. Antioxidant and Detoxification Support: Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that help protect the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful molecules, reducing inflammation and supporting cellular health. Juicing can provide a concentrated dose of antioxidants to the body, which may help support the body's natural detoxification processes and therefore promote overall wellness.


  1. Weight Management and Increased Fibre Intake: While juicing removes the fibre content from fruits and vegetables, some juicers allow for the inclusion of pulp or fibre-rich ingredients. Including fibre in your juice may aid in digestion for some individuals, promote feelings of fullness, and support healthy weight management. Adding fibre-rich vegetables like kale, spinach, or celery to your juices can help you achieve a balanced nutrient profile and increase your overall fibre intake.


  1. Convenient Way to Consume a Variety of Produce: Juicing offers a convenient and accessible way to incorporate a wide range of fruits and vegetables into your diet. It can be an important option for individuals who have difficulty consuming whole fruits and vegetables, who prefer the taste and texture of juice and liquids or who are going through a health crisis. Also Juicing allows you to experiment with different flavour & colour combinations and easily customize your juice recipes according to your taste preferences. At Wray Organic Online we offer a range of ten different Fruit & Veg Set Boxes for added convenience, at just the click of a button.


  1. Potential Energy Boost: The high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutrients in fresh juices can provide a natural energy boost. Nutrient-dense juices can support optimal bodily functions and may help combat feelings of fatigue or sluggishness. A morning juice may help get your day started, or an afternoon juice may give you that pep-up you need to get you through to the end of the day.


It is important to note here that while juicing offers many potential benefits, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, quality proteins and healthy fats. Juicing should complement a well-rounded diet rather than replace it entirely, unless advised by your healthcare professional.

One of the great benefits of juicing is the instant & plentiful supply to the body of naturally sourced Vitamin C. Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is an essential nutrient, meaning it must be obtained through the diet since the human body cannot synthesize it. With winter being a season associated with increased susceptibility to illnesses, ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin C becomes even more important. While synthetic sources of Vitamin C are available in the form of supplements, natural food sources offer numerous benefits over their synthetic cousins. Let’s look at the benefits of including Vitamin C in the diet, particularly during winter, and highlight the advantages of obtaining it from natural food sources.

  1. Enhanced Immune Function: Vitamin C is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. It stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are important components of the immune system that help protect against infections and diseases. During winter, when cold and flu viruses are prevalent, bolstering the immune system through vitamin C intake can be highly beneficial. Natural food sources, such as citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, melons, stone fruits, and red & green vegetables offer a broad spectrum of nutrients and phytochemicals that work synergistically to support immune function. These foods also provide dietary fibre, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that contribute to overall health, further enhancing the immune system's response.


  1. Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C acts as a potent antioxidant, protecting the body against the harmful effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to aging and disease development. Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Natural food sources of Vitamin C contain a diverse range of antioxidants and bioactive compounds that provide superior protection compared to isolated synthetic forms. These natural sources offer a complex blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and nutrients which work together synergistically to enhance the antioxidant effect of Vitamin C and provide added health benefits that synthetic forms cannot achieve.


  1. Collagen Synthesis and Tissue Repair: Collagen is a protein crucial for maintaining the integrity and strength of connective tissues, including the skin, blood vessels, bones, and tendons. Vitamin C plays a vital role in collagen synthesis, facilitating wound healing, tissue repair, and maintaining healthy skin. Natural food sources of vitamin C offer an holistic combination of nutrients, such as bioflavonoids and trace minerals, that support collagen production and optimize tissue repair processes. These natural sources also provide other nutrients like vitamin E, which further aids in skin health and regeneration of the cells.


  1. Improved Iron Absorption: Vitamin C enhances the absorption of dietary iron, particularly non-heme iron, which is found in plant-based sources. Iron is necessary for the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen throughout the body. By including natural food sources rich in vitamin C in the diet, individuals can enhance their iron absorption and reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia, a common condition exacerbated during winter due to reduced exposure to sunlight. The combination of vitamin C and iron-rich foods can optimize iron absorption and contribute to maintaining healthy red blood cells and energy levels.


  1. Cardiovascular Health: Medical research has shown that Vitamin C intake has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps maintain the health of blood vessels by promoting the synthesis of collagen, which provides structural integrity. Additionally, Vitamin C has been linked to lower blood pressure levels, reduced oxidative stress, and improved endothelial function. Natural food sources offer a wider array of heart-healthy nutrients, such as fibre and potassium that complement the benefits of Vitamin C in supporting cardiovascular health. The combination of these nutrients and phytochemicals in natural food sources may have synergistic effects on reducing the risk of heart disease.


Wray Organic Online offer 20 common fruit varieties that are known for their high Vitamin C content: Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Grape, Plum, Kiwifruit, Passionfruit, Pineapple, Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Paw Paw, Lychee, Watermelon, Rockmelon, Honey Dew Melon, Mango & Cherry

Here are 20 common vegetables that are known for their high Vitamin C content and readily available at Wray Organic Online: Carrot, Celery, Beetroot, Capsicum, Tomato, Kale, Asian Greens, Lettuce, Spinach, Silverbeet, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Pea, Parsley, Asparagus, Snow Pea, Green Bean, Zucchini & Sweet Potato.

These fruits & vegetables offer a range of other health benefits in addition to their Vitamin C content. Remember that cooking methods and freshness can affect the Vitamin C levels, so it's best to consume them as fresh as possible and, when appropriate, juicing rather than cooking to retain maximum nutrient content.

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When it comes to juicing, using Certified Organic & Biodynamic fresh produce can offer several potential benefits over non-organic produce. Let’s look at some of the advantages.


  1. Reduced Exposure to Pesticides: Certified Organic & Biodynamic produce is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). By choosing organic options, you can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful synthetic chemical residues that may be present in non-organic produce & avoid potentially drinking a glass of concentrated synthetic chemicals. Juicing organic fruits and vegetables allows you to enjoy the benefits of clean, fresh produce.


  1. Higher Nutrient Content: Organic & Biodynamic farming practices prioritize soil health, which can result in produce with higher nutrient content. Studies have suggested that organic fruits and vegetables may have higher levels of certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and antioxidants. Juicing organic produce can help you maximize your intake of these beneficial nutrients and potentially enhance the nutritional value of your juice. In other words you get more bang for your buck.


  1. Support for Sustainable Agriculture: Organic farming practices aim to promote environmental sustainability by emphasizing soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity. By choosing organic produce, you support farmers and agricultural practices that prioritize environmental stewardship. This choice contributes to the preservation of ecosystems, reduces pollution, and promotes sustainable food production systems for future generations.


  1. More Flavour and Taste: Organic fruits and vegetables have a more robust, sweet and natural flavour compared to their conventionally grown counterparts which sometimes become bitter due to the chemicals they are grown with or tasteless due to the excessive water pumped into them. Juicing organic produce can result in juices that are fresher, more vibrant, and often more enjoyable in taste. The absence of synthetic chemical residues can allow the true flavours of the fruits and vegetables to shine through.


  1. Avoidance of GMOs: Certified Organic & Biodynamic standards prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are plants that have been genetically engineered to possess specific traits. By choosing organic produce, you can avoid potential exposure to genetically modified ingredients, which some of us prefer to avoid due to our personal beliefs or our concerns about the long-term health effects of their consumption.


So we have looked at the benefits of integrating juicing into the diet, the advantages of choosing Certified Organic & Biodynamic produce, and following on from that, the essential role that natural sources of Vitamin C intake play in maintaining good health and well-being, especially during the winter months. While synthetic sources of Vitamin C are available, natural food sources provide a range of advantages due to their synergistic combination of nutrients and bioactive compounds. Juicing Organic & Biodynamic fruits & vegetables, can increase your daily intake of naturally sourced Vitamin C, enhancing immune function, antioxidant protection, support collagen synthesis, improve iron absorption, and promote cardiovascular health. Make sure to include a wide variety of these natural Vitamin C sources in your diet & daily juice, with different colours & flavours, to reap the maximum health benefits & terrific flavours on offer. It’ll keep a smile on your dial for sure J

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Your guide to the Dirty Dozen

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As consumers, we are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of our choices on our health and the environment. We want to make informed decisions about what we put into our bodies and the effects our choices have on the planet. This is particularly true when it comes to our food choices, especially our fruit and vegetable purchases. With the release of the Environmental Working Group Dirty Dozen list for 2023, it's time to take a closer look at how we can make healthier choices in our fruit and veg shop.

So exactly what is the Dirty Dozen anyway?

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a non-profit organization based in the United States that was founded in 1993 with a mission to promote public health by protecting the environment. Arguably their most famous initiative is the "Dirty Dozen" list, which was established in 1995.

The Dirty Dozen is a list of the 12 fruits and vegetables that are known to have the highest levels of pesticide residue. The list is updated annually based on testing conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The EWG analyses the data and ranks the produce based on the amount and type of pesticide residue found.

The EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce explains “The 2023 guide includes data from 46,569 samples of 46 fruits and vegetables. The USDA peels or scrubs and washes produce samples before testing, whereas the FDA only removes dirt before testing its samples. Even after these steps, the tests still find traces of 251 different pesticides.”

The goal of the Dirty Dozen is to raise awareness about the potential health risks associated with consuming produce that has been exposed to high levels of pesticides. The Environmental Working Group encourages consumers to buy organic versions of the produce on the list, or to avoid them altogether if organic options are not available.

The Dirty Dozen have been found to contain residues of up to 230 different pesticides, some of which have been linked to serious health problems like cancers, including Hodgkin lymphoma along with hormonal disruption, neurological disorders & developmental problems in children, just to name a few!

Since its establishment in 1995, the Dirty Dozen has become a widely recognized resource across the globe for consumers looking to make healthier choices in their fruit and vegetable purchases. It has also spurred conversations about the impact of pesticides on the environment and the need for more sustainable agricultural practices. These are topics often ignored in the mainstream, but as our world population continues to grow, conversations we need to keep having.

Australia unfortunately does not have an Environmental Working Group equivalent, but as we follow many of the same agricultural practices as the US, and use largely the same pesticides for food production, it suffices as a reputable guide.

So let’s have a look at The Dirty Dozen list for 2023 in order from 1 to 12:

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You can see from this list that in this years’ list 8 out of the 12 are fruits & 4 are vegetables. Green Beans and Blueberries join the list this year with alarming levels of organophosphate insecticides, known to damage the nervous system.

6% of Green Bean samples were discovered to have a pesticide known as Acephate (insecticide), banned in the US since 2011!

Kale, Collard & Mustard Greens (incl. Asians), Capsicums & Chillies had over 100 different pesticides detected in the samples!

Strawberries remain at the top of the list due to growers using frightful volumes of poisonous gases to sterilize the fields before planting, killing every living thing in the soil.

Apples are also usually near in the top of the list. Many of us probably don’t know that in the US most conventionally grown apples are drenched in diphenylamine, an antioxidant chemical treatment used to prevent the skin of apples in cold storage from developing dark patches known as storage scald. Europe has banned this chemical as it has not been proven to be safe.

So how can you use this list to make healthier choices in your fruit and veg shop? Here are a few tips:

  1. Buy organic whenever possible

Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without synthetic pesticides, which means they are less likely to contain harmful residues. It also means that we are putting our money where our mouth is and supporting organic farmers. The more we do this, the more the price will decrease. While organic produce can be more expensive, it's worth investing in your health and our planet for future generations. Pay the farmer not the pharmacist!

  1. Wash & peel your produce

If you're not able to find organic versions of the Dirty Dozen, be sure to wash & peel your produce thoroughly before eating. Soaking in an organic fruit & veg wash, bicarb soda or an apple cider vinegar bath, may also help to remove at least a small amount of the pesticide residue.

  1. Choose seasonal alternatives

Find seasonal alternatives to the specific item you would like. For example, if you can't find organic strawberries, try buying frozen organic strawberries instead. Often the reason they are not available organically is that they are out of season, so look for seasonal alternatives, such as organic blueberries or organic grapes.

  1. Buy local & organic

One way to ensure that you're buying the freshest produce possible is to support local organic farmers & small family businesses who you can trust. Not only are you supporting your local community, but you're also reducing the environmental impact of transporting produce long distances from overseas and across the country. Instead of buying imported grapes from California, support your local organic retailer.

At Wray Organic Online, we have you covered with the largest range of certified organic fruit and vegetables in Australia delivered to your door 7 days a week. Marion and Scott from Wray Organic have 16 years of retail experience in certified organic produce, and we pride ourselves on offering farm fresh home delivery. We understand the importance of making healthy seasonal choices, and we believe that everyone should have access to truly fresh, clean organic produce.

By choosing organic versions of the Dirty Dozen, washing & peeling your produce, choosing seasonal alternatives, and supporting organic local farmers & retailers, you can make healthier choices in your fruit and veg shop. With the Dirty Dozen list as a guide, you can prioritize the produce that is most important to buy organic from a health perspective. At Wray Organic Online, we are committed to helping you make the best choices for your health and the environment.

Contact us directly for more information, and let us know how we can help you stay on track with your health.

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The Ultimate Guide to Organic Food Home Delivery

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Are you looking for a convenient and healthy way to get fresh, organic food delivered to your home? Look no further than our comprehensive guide to the best organic food home delivery option in South East Queensland and Northern NSW.

Say goodbye to crowded grocery stores and hello to delicious & nutritious food & grocery via refrigerated delivered straight to your doorstep 7 days a week.

Look for these key features when shopping online for organic home delivery services;

  • Range – Wray Organic Online has done the hard work for you, offering over one thousand hand-picked products and seasonal options, grown by local certified organic farmers. This trusted range has been developed over many years with variety & seasonality at its core. If you can’t find grapes in the online portal, it’s because they are not currently available from our Australian organic farms & you won’t be receiving highly sprayed & chemically enhanced varieties from around the globe. What you will find is indigenous, heirloom varieties of the fruits & vegies that are currently in season in Australia, and definitely the most delicious & nutritious choice for your body.
  • Convenience – the Wray Organic Online webstore is so easy to use due to a clean and clutter free layout. The shop now button gives you a compact & manageable list of the major shopping categories: fruit & veg; fridge; butcher; bakery; freezer; grocery; specials & household. Within these groups you will find clearly defined sub-categories taking you to photos, descriptions & reviews of all products for your convenience. The search tool enables you to swiftly search for items using key words. The favourites feature enables customers to create their most loved and frequently purchased items to be stored conveniently in your account, making it possible to accomplish a full shop purchase in a matter of minutes. My lists allows you to pre-plan your shop and store your list for future use. After the order is placed, customers receive text tracking and delivery photos for the ultimate in convenience, taking the guess work out of your delivery experience. If you are not at home your order will be left in your nominated spot. The refrigerated trucks and 100% recycled & compostable insulated packing ensures your order is as cool as a cucumber until you get home! Help is only a text/call way on (0402 677 370) or an email orders@wrayorganiconline.com.au should customers have any queries or require assistance.
  • Competitive & good value – With vast industry experience, Wray Organic Online is able to monitor prices on a daily basis and adjust prices to remain seasonally competitive. The goal is to affordable real food 24x7 that reflect value & a fair price for the organic farmers, making it a reliable & trustworthy choice in a busy marketplace. A flat delivery fee of $9.95 across all delivery areas means no one is penalised due to their postcode. The minimum order for delivery is only $50, making it one of the most accessible & competitive in the industry. All time favourite items are available in 1kg sizes, such as bananas, apples & potatoes, just to name a few.
  • Fulfilment - At Wray Organic Online, in stock really does mean in stock, with a 97%+ fulfilment rate, so you know that you are going to get everything you ordered, almost all of the time – making this an industry standout in fulfilment terms. Because produce comes directly from the farm gate & direct from product producers to be packed for your order, you can rest assured it will arrive to you within hours of being picked – preserving the nutritional integrity of the produce & maximising its life potential in your fridge.
  • Comprehensive Delivery Coverage  – Orders are delivered to your doorstep 7 days a week from coast to coast (Gympie & the entire Sunshine Coast, down South to the Gold Coast, Byron & Northern NSW Northern Rivers region including Lismore, Ballina & Woodburn and out west to the Darling Downs, Toowoomba, Gatton & Kingaroy. Extensive coverage across Greater Brisbane includes working with delivery partners Sealink & Stradbroke Flyer enable delivery to North Stradbroke Island & the Southern Bay Island via the Cleveland & Redland Bay ferry terminals.
  • Low impact – Reducing our daily impact by shortening the food chain means a win win for all. Farm direct to the customer reduces ood miles by utilising existing refrigerated food delivery networks. Supporting local organic farmers through delivery services helps to promote sustainable agriculture and reduce the carbon footprint of food transportation. All packaging used is the latest in biodegradable & earth-friendly technology, featuring unbleached paper, cardboard & paper packaging tape, corn starch bags & reusable frozen water bottles as ice-bricks with the clear aim to keep your goodies ultra-cool and fresh with minimal additional impact to the environment.
  • Healthy choice – There are many reasons to choose organic food home delivery, including the convenience of having farm fresh, chemical free healthy food delivered straight to your doorstep. Many of us have realised that there is simply nothing more important than good health, not only for yourself but your loved ones. Wray Organic Online certified organic fruit, vegetables & grocery items are your gateway to healthy living with their trusted range from Australia’s leading Certified Organic Farmers & producers.
  • Informative - In the Blogs & Recipes section, you will find plenty of cooking inspiration with tried & trusted recipes from the Wray Organic library over the past 16+ years. The blogs will keep you up to date with what’s going on in the organic industry, seasonal information & provides valuable tips for those getting started on their journey to healthy living.
  • Safe & Secure – Using the latest internet security & safest payment services available, Wray Organic Online takes your privacy & account security seriously. The website features a login with either a registered account option, or an express guest option for those who choose not to store their details online for next time. Cancellation of your order prior to its dispatch due to an emergency is easy & just a phone call away. Weekly Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time.
  • Trust - Wray Organic Online is owned and operated by Scott Donald & Marion Davis, part of the Wray Organic family servicing SE QLD and Northern NSW since 2005. An evolution of Wray Organic Cleveland whom serviced the Redlands Coast community for more than 10 years with the largest range of certified organic farm fresh produce & grocery items. Scott & Marion have long been a key part of the ever-growing organic retail industry and continue to build the Wray Organic brand, promoting the key benefits of certified organic practices on individual health & our environment. With a passion to continue making Affordable Real Food available via a trusted range of brands & products, plus unparalleled personal service, Wray Organic Online is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with value & convenience at its core.

Who knew that shopping online could be so easy & hassle free?

Forget those shopping queues, save your valuable time & take the hassle out of your grocery shopping with Wray Organic Online’s new 7-day delivery service. Its convenient farm fresh organic produce, healthy grocery lines, trusted range, secure website & low impact delivery service, is a no-brainer. If you live in South East Queensland or Northern NSW, you now have access to the most competitive & extensive range of organics, with a family owned local business providing value & good old fashioned service. As you can see there are many reasons to choose organic home delivery – its farm fresh, chemical free healthy food delivered straight to your doorstep. Enjoy!

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Why should I buy Organic food?

Why should I buy Organic food?

We live in a world where consumers are flooded with front-of-packaging claims about ‘health’ benefits & an overwhelming amount of information across the internet & media about what IS healthy & what ISN’T. In trolling through these vast seas of information, consumers will come across the terms ‘organic’ & ‘certified organic’. In the recent Australian Organic Consumer Trust Survey over 77% of consumers want to know what being an organic product means & what exactly are the benefits of buying certified organic food & choosing an organic diet for their health.

In this article we will discuss these terms and uncover some truths & myths associated with growing, producing & shopping organic. So firstly, what makes a food or ingredient ‘organic’ or ‘certified organic’?

Anyone can say something is ‘organic’. Your garden soil is ‘organic’, right? The word ‘organic’ has multiple meanings, but its most common usage refers to something that is related to, derived from, or characteristic of living organisms, or of a system or process that involves living organisms. In the context of chemistry, ‘organic’ refers to compounds containing carbon atoms, typically in combination with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur or other elements.

In the context of food and agriculture, ‘organic’ generally refers to a method of farming and food production that emphasizes the use of natural inputs and processes, and minimizes the use of synthetic substances such as pesticides, fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Overall, the term ‘organic’ often connotes a focus on natural, sustainable, and eco-friendly practices and products, and may imply a preference for products that are free from synthetic or harmful ingredients.

The problem with using the term ‘organic’ is that in some cases it has become a marketing tool, & when it comes to your food production, this general term doesn’t have a strict definition. Companies have come to exploit this term with the implication that products are ‘organic’, when in fact they are not. Vague terms such as natural, free range, pesticide free, no artificial colours flavours or preservatives, have flooded the internet & appear on a vast range of product packaging with no regulation or definition. For example the term ‘free range’ is regulated by its own industry, and outside any government regulation.  Add into that, a sea of green-washing terms such as sustainable, carbon-conscious, eco-friendly, biodegradable. Is it any wonder we can become overwhelmed & confused??

Did you know…

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Thankfully, the term ‘certified organic’ enables us, as a consumer, to have confidence that the product or ingredient has been strictly regulated and followed a rigorous process to be able to claim the term. Most importantly, the certified organic industry is government regulated. Farmers who wish to certify their farm’s produce as ‘certified organic’ must in the first instance meet the requirements of the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce. The National Standard outlines the minimum production and processing standards Australian products must comply with in order to be sold as certified organic. The farm and the production methods used must be verified as meeting organic standards through one of the accredited organic certification organisations. This comes at a yearly cost to the farmer or producer, & thus, with strict inspection protocols, is a carrot to maintaining the highest of standards.

Here is an outline of what it means to be certified organic:

Chemical & Hormone free. Certified organic products have been grown, stored, & processed without the use of synthetically produced chemicals such as fertilisers, herbicides, fungicides, humectants, pesticides, preservatives, colours or additives.

Sustainably farmed. Certified organic farming and production methods promote ecosystem health through true biodiversity, maintaining the natural genetic variety of plant & animal species. The planting & harvesting is according to the four seasons and prevents topsoil degradation. These methods include, but are not limited to, crop rotation, manure & fallow crops, the use of beneficial insects & the strict refusal to use synthetic chemicals or mono-cropping.

Non-Genetically Engineered or Non-GMO. Certified organic products cannot be derived from, processed or have any contact with plant or animal species that have been genetically engineered. Genetic manipulation techniques are the very opposite of organic farming techniques, which promote the natural order over artificial human intervention. In other words, mother-nature knows best!

Free of antibiotics, drugs, synthetic vaccinations & growth hormones. Certified organic farming makes use of livestock management practices that minimise animal stress and cruelty. The health, happiness & wellbeing of the animal is of utmost importance. Animals are fed certified organic feed, have constant access to clean water & pasture areas, adequate ventilation & are treated humanely at all times. Drugs, antibiotics & GMO or MRNA injections are forbidden.

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Wray Tip: Look for the bud logo! In Australia ACO certifies many organic products that you will find on retailer shelves, so look out for the ‘bud’ logo on the packaging. This means that the product has been produced and processed according to the ACO’s strict organic standards.

Wray Tip: Wray Organic Online stocks products that are either Certified Organic or 100% organic ingredients, so you can shop with confidence & save time, knowing we have already done the research for you.



Buying organic food can be a great way to support sustainable agriculture and reduce your exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Here are some tips to help you navigate through the sea of information & help you make informed choices when shopping for organic food:

  1. Look for the certified organic logo. The logos from recognised certified organic regulators around the world ensure that the food has been grown and processed according to strict organic standards. So products that are certified organic with a legitimate logo or contain 100% organic ingredients, are generally safer than those that simply contain some organic ingredients. Some products claiming to be ‘organic’ may only contain one or a few organic ingredients from their list.


  1. Buy local. Local organic farms & small businesses often offer organic produce and meat that may not be available at larger supermarkets. This also supports local businesses and reduces the carbon footprint associated with excessive transportation & mass production.


  1. Consider the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) from the USA produces an annual list of the fruits and vegetables with the highest and lowest levels of pesticide residue. The Dirty Dozen are the top 12 most contaminated produce items, while the Clean Fifteen are the 15 least contaminated. Keep in mind this is based on USDA information and not from Australian certifiers, but it will, at least, give you a guide as to what to look out for.


  1. Buy in Season. When fruits and vegetables are in season, they are often more affordable and have better flavour, texture & life in your fridge. In addition, buying local and in season can reduce the carbon footprint associated with fresh produce & ensure what you are eating is in fact full of the nutrition you expect from that product.


  1. Read labels carefully. Your food choices are going to be specific to your own dietary needs and those of your family. Just because something is labelled ‘certified organic’, it does not mean it is a good choice for your current dietary needs. For example, if you are looking to avoid sugar, you should read the labels, as some certified organic foods may contain certified organic sugar that is in greater quantities than you may be looking for.


  1. Ask questions. Certified organic products have a long chain of accountability, with actual certification numbers attached to their registrations, so you can look them up for further information. At the end of the day, don't be afraid to ask questions & if you are unsure about a particular product, ask the grower, producer or store staff about how it was produced and processed.

Buzz words in the media in recent times talk a lot about ‘saving the environment’, ‘global warming’ & refer to a ‘climate emergency’. Sometimes these concepts can be overwhelming and we are left feeling helpless. To put it simply, however, the number one thing we can all do, each & every one of us, is to buy certified organic products in supporting organically farmed agriculture. It’s not only a great thing you can do for your own health & the health of your family, but it’s the number one thing you can do for our planet & future generations by looking after that top six inches of our soil, our air & our animal health.

Organic fresh produce & grocery products are surging in popularity as people question the wisdom of eating highly processed foods, fresh fruit & vegetables that are quite literally packed full of synthetic chemicals and dangerous toxins. With our increasing desire for natural solutions & lessening that daily toxic load on our bodies, a growing number of us are thankfully embracing the simplicity of organics. Just food, nothing else thanks. Just this planet, for the sake of future generations.

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Putting the Karma back into your cola.

Putting the Karma back into your cola


Did you know that Multinational Corporations sell around 2,000,000,000 cola drinks per day?? That’s a lot of cola! The reality is, however, that the West Africans who first discovered the magical properties of the cola nut, don’t receive a penny. This ethical dilemma is one of many we are seeing in an increasingly profit driven world. That’s why the story of Karma Drinks is such an important one. We need to tell the stories of people over profit, and as conscious consumers find as many ethical & sustainable choices as possible in our daily lives.

Here is their story…

Founded in 2010 on Piha Beach in New Zealand’s north island, Kiwi mates Matt, Simon & Chris came up with the idea of Karma Drinks after being sent a bag of cola nuts from friends in Boma, a small village in Sierra Leone.  The word ‘karma’ came from an idea they had about forming a company that sourced ingredients that were not only good for the consumer but good for the planet & the people who grow them. In addition to its commitment to ethical production & sustainable sourcing, Karma Drinks is giving back to the community. The company donates a portion of its profits to the Karma Foundation, which supports community projects. The Karma Foundation has helped to build schools, provide clean drinking water, source seeds & seedlings for farmers, build bridges & roads, & provide student bursaries in Sierra Leone & other villages around the world.

Karma Drinks has quickly become a popular brand among consumers who are looking for ethical & sustainably produced beverages. The company's mission is to create a positive impact on the world by providing delicious drinks that are ethically produced & sustainably sourced.

Wray Organic has been telling the Karma Drinks story since 2010 & is proud to be associated with this organic & fair trade brand. Popular lines are the handy new 250ml cans in Cola, Gingerella, Orangeade & Lemmy Lemon. Not just for kids, but big kids too, Karma soft drinks are not only a delicious refreshment, but make great mixers for both alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages.


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Karma Drinks' commitment to ethical production & sustainable sourcing begins with its ingredients. The company uses only organic ingredients, which means that they are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. This not only helps to protect the environment, but also ensures that the drinks are free from harmful chemicals. Additionally, all of Karma Drinks' ingredients are sourced from fair trade producers, which means that farmers are paid a fair price for their products & are provided with safe working conditions, free from the horrors of sweatshops.

One of the key ingredients in Karma Drinks' range of soft drinks is cola nut. Cola nut is a natural source of caffeine & is traditionally used in West African culture as a symbol of hospitality, friendship & integrity. In recent decades however, sourcing cola nut has become challenging due to the fact that it is often harvested by child labour in West Africa. To combat this issue, Karma Drinks works with a fair trade cooperative in Sierra Leone that provides a sustainable & ethical source of cola nut, resurrecting traditional forest farming, thus protecting the rainforest with every season. By working directly with farmers, Karma Drinks is able to ensure that the cola nut used in its products is produced without exploiting children or the planet.

Another key ingredient in Karma Drinks' range of soft drinks is ginger. Ginger is known for its many health benefits, including its ability to reduce inflammation & improve digestion. The sourcing of ginger has also become challenging due to the fact that it is often produced using unsustainable farming practices. To combat this issue, Karma Drinks works with small-scale organic ginger farmers in Peru who use sustainable farming methods. By supporting these farmers, Karma Drinks is able to provide a sustainable source of ginger while also helping to support local communities.

In 2022 Karma Drinks was recognised for its hard work, winning the Sustainable Business Network’s Social Impact Award at the 20th Annual Awards night in New Zealand. The award judges recognised the company saying it had created real social & environmental value for communities, whilst also managing to create a popular commercial product, through delivering ‘trade’, not ‘aid’.

While Karma Drinks' commitment to ethical production & sustainable sourcing has helped to set it apart from multinational soft drink companies, it has not been without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges has been competing with larger, more established brands that are able to offer lower prices due to their economies of scale & questionable practices. To combat this, Karma Drinks has focused on building a strong brand identity, differentiating itself from larger brands by emphasizing its commitment to ethical production.

Another challenge has been navigating the complex supply chains that are involved in sourcing organic & fair trade ingredients. Karma Drinks works with a range of suppliers around the world, each with their own unique challenges & requirements. To ensure that its ingredients are sourced ethically & sustainably, the company works closely with its suppliers to develop long-term relationships, ensuring they meet the company's standards.

Despite these challenges, it has been successful in building a loyal customer base & establishing itself as a leader in the ethical & sustainable soft drink industry. The company's commitment has resonated with consumers who are looking for products that are not only delicious, but also align with their values. Karma Drinks is a member of the B-Corp family, a globally recognised certification that awards businesses that prioritise people & planet, rather than pesticides & profit. Being certified organic with the Soil Association, means reducing the amount of toxins put into the earth, protecting the soil & guarantees the products are the best quality for you and your family.

In an increasingly consumption-driven world, telling the Karma story gives us all hope that no challenge is too big if we live our life with integrity & choose people over profits. If we respect the people who grow our food, they’ll help protect the only planet we have & preserve our precious limited resources for future generations to come.

Put the Karma back into your cola today.


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